Disagree Statement Paragraph

“Anyone can raise themselves out of poverty if they have enough determination”


Life is extraordinarily unfair and depending on the thousands of advantages and disadvantages you’re given at birth can help determine how unfair your life can be. There are millions of people that have been born into poverty, and if their parents don’t have the materials needed to give their children an education, job, or a good childhood, then it decreases the chances of these kids being able to raise themselves out of poverty in the future. Some of these kids will be able to raise themselves out of poverty if they contain enough determination but most of them will not. One of the reasons why many people cannot raise themselves out of poverty is because of medical conditions. If someone is homeless and is also blind, deaf, or has any other medical disorder then that medical disorder will limit the number of jobs they will be able and allowed to do. Mental disorders can also affect someone’s abilities just as much as any other medical problems can. If a person has depression, autism, or any other mental disorder it can decrease the chance of raising themselves out of poverty. Another thing that can stop people from raising themselves out of poverty is family. If someone is homeless with children, they would probably spend all their money trying to give their children education, healthcare, basic needs, and a good life. Spending all this money on family members decreases the chances of themselves having enough money to raise themselves out of poverty. All these reasons lead me to firmly believe that not everyone can raise themselves out of poverty if they have enough determination.

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